This ad has been facing some controversy. Some quick details: it's for an Edmonton hair salon and they have
"apologized". Hmm where to begin...
The ad itself: This ad features a woman who has been beaten by her partner. Her partner is now offering her a diamond necklace. Now let's consider the things so very wrong with this picture:
1) The ad normalizes domestic violence: that this ad makes light of a very serious, painful, and illegal sickness that is part of our society suggests that it isn't a
real problem that still exists. The problem
does exist, and it isn't funny and it shouldn't be used to advertise a salon. Ever. Every 6 days in Canada a woman is
KILLED by her intimate partner, this is not a joke, this is an epidemic.
2) The ad suggests that women are petty enough to be bought off: To suggest to men, or women, or anyone, that money can buy-off all your problems, including beating your partner is so completely sick it makes me physically ill. It suggests that if I was to be beaten by my partner, I am so incapable and shallow that a diamond necklace would qualm all my problems and I would smile and then probably get my hair done (and make him pay). This is OFFENSIVE to ALL of us, men and women alike.
3) The ad suggests that women are required to look "good" all of the time: Of course, this includes while you are being beaten. Do I have to explain this one?
4) All three of these factors create an ad that is in itself violent towards women. It is media depictions such as the above that not only prove an imbalance of power in our society, but that simultaneously hold up the structure that ensures a continuation of this violence. By simply looking at it, I am to pick up on cultural cues and narratives that tell the story of the beaten housewife, and then I am to understand that she can be bought off. Then I am to understand that a woman should always look good, and well, that is supposed to be the funny part. PARDON ME FOR MISSING THE JOKE HERE.... This is not a joke, this is not okay, and I am sorry I am not going to sit down, shut up, and get my hair done!
And as if I wasn't pissed off enough already, perhaps what is even more offensive than the ad itself is the hair salon's press release in response to the ad. Let me pick out some key phrases:
"Edmonton is presently the murder capital of Canada. Media’s energy and time may be better spent boycotting dangerous areas, gangs, guns, other street weapons, or a sick justice system, which unfortunately is still sadly lacking when it comes to punishing abusers or any kind."
You are part of the media, Fluid Hair Salon. You became that when you chose to advertise. And you also just became a contributor to the violence you are suggesting is a problem in Edmonton. And, as mentioned above, domestic abuse and the home can be a "dangerous area", and yes "guns and other street weapons" are used against women... by their partners.
"If survivors of abuse interpret this ad to make light of any abusive situation, we sincerely apologize, that was never our intent as there are people that worked on this campaign who are survivors of abuse."
Oh, are there? How kind of you to consult survivors of abuse before putting out an ad that draws light on their situation. I bet you're not racist either, you probably have a black friend, don't you?
"To the rest of you who this has so deeply affected, we truly hope you do something to help stop domestic violence. Truly honor the survivors that you are standing up for. Unfortunately boycotting a hair salon will not accomplish this."
ARE YOU REALLY PATRONIZING ME NOW? Are you for real? You hope I "do something" to help stop domestic violence? Uh, how about I don't put out terrible ads that treat women like they are petty, shallow pieces of garbage that deserve to "look good" while being beaten? Oh wait, I never did that - YOU DID! Why the hell are you telling me to "honour survivors"?? You just took a survivor and told her to get her HAIR DONE?! PLEASE DIRECT ME TO YOUR HONOUR! Are you really going to sit back and play mind games with me? Are you trying to convince me and my allies that we won't solve domestic violence by boycotting your hair salon? Well, that's just stupid. We KNOW that.
We aren't boycotting you to stop domestic violence, we are boycotting you because you treat us like dirt, you think that women are mindless, you think that domestic violence is a joke, and your ridiculous, sick ad contributes to the very violence in our culture that leads to deaths EVERY 6 DAYS! And if you think "artistic expression is your right", well then perhaps you should be a god damned artist, not a hair salon, and certainly not a propagator of violence towards the clientele you are trying to reach.
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